First of all, I want to say to the Middle East, stop your jihads, holy wars, suicide bombing, etc. Islam means PEACE, and sunnis and xiitas and other minorities, you are brothers of the same religion.

First of all, the West and others, USA and EU and Russia and China and others, do NOT make war to them, dont´drop bombs, don´t sell them weapons, instead help them constructing a peaceful area with no control on their governments. Schools, hospitals, food, houses and others, just that but help them directly with no money or debt, just help them and don´t allow corruption, see corruption of your side, prison, in their side, report them to the goverment of there! Do NOT USE DRONES!
Now you ask, what about terrorists groups, leave them alone, help the area with education and infraestructures.

Now the drug of the West and the industrial world, OIL! First of all, in your countries, tax the shit out of the oil and the corporations that extract oil, to prison, presidents and others that help those corporations, ban ads that are pro-oil, support movements and organizations that support renewable energies and construct a country with that in mind, reduce oil consumption, reduce mindless consumption, reduce waste, build efficient and sustainable cities and industries. At first, the economy would slow a little but in time, that would be a green revolution!
Oil would not be used, Wars would not be made, and we would have PEACE.

There are other ways that you can do this, but here are some suggestions thinking about the modern politics and economies.
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