Sometimes I will post stuff from atheist comedians.
My personal favourite is the great George Carlin, and here it is my tribute to him.
I call this "I am a religious fanatic ".
I am a religious fanaic man. Man of the dark ages.
I used to torture, kill in the most heinous ways possible.
Yes, I burn you, I decapitate you, I crucify you and even cut you in half from the anus.
I hang you, I stone you, I choked you, I feed you to lions, I gas you, I make you starve and even crush you.
But don't fear, God loves you, Jesus loves you, Moahamed loves you and Allah is great,
Death to infidels, stone witches, infidels, prostitutes, whores, and other motherfuckers.
Yeah, Yeah, I am responsible for holy wars, inquisition, terrorist attacks, jihads some child rape and other shit.
So enter in our church, mosque, synagogue or other,
Accept Jesus as you savior or Mohammed, accept God or Allah as your savior and maker.
And prepare yourself to every Friday, Saturday or Sunday
To pray and ear the word of the Lord by a motherfucker that probably is a child rapist.
Forget some shit that there is in god´s bible, qu'ran, torah or other of my god´s book.
God hates faggs, mockers, infidels and maybe you!
But if you accept my god or many gods and you dont fuck with other people.
You go to heaven, but you have to kill jews, muslims, christians, infidels, mockers, sinners, native americans and others.
So God loves us all but you have to kill some of his sons and forget the rule of no kill.
Because other religions are bullshit except mine.
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