-Come on Danny, they are already asking us to call some number to vote.
Vote my ass, they want your money and turn you to a mindless person for one or two hours and been told that everyone has a chance and you have an opinion on the matter and you can change the results.
Cooking contests are the worst, ok. Cooking shitty meals with bourgeois and exotic foods. Shit, and then, they show us some clips to keep watching that crap. I don´t watch too much tv but damn but fuck, each time I turn the channels I see one of this kind of shitty contests.
This is what you do with these contests, you pick all the professional tv cookers, singers, dancers and you put them on a show, then you pick judges from the public and they show us their skills, by dancing mindless dancings, singing commercial shit, cookers cooking shitty meals and fashion bitchs designing useless and extravagant clothes.
And then the judges (and the public) chooses the 10 worst singers, dancers, cookers and designers, then in 10 shows to the public they select the worst from the 10 . Then they execute each one with henious ways chosen by the public. I want to see Justin Bieber empaled. Lady Gaga, eaten by wild porks, Gordon Ramsay fried in oil, I wat to see Tim gunn´s skin been taken alive and make a jacket of it!
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