Sep 12, 2014

Sick of 9/11

Almost 3000 died in 9/11, no big deal, see the media talking about 9/11 in 1973, when USA made a terrorist attack against Chile, then they put a dictator called Pinochet in power resulting in a blood bath of almost 60000 people and about that.
Media say shit about that, only about 9/11, movies, shows always taling about 3000 lifes VS 60000, why?
USA is the terrorist group, not Al-Quaeda, got that.

Sep 8, 2014

Still waiting for Jesus

.For God sakes, there are still people waiting for Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, how many years are passed, 2000 years, dam, Jesus is a little asshole, maybe is traumatized with the crucifiction.

Father, I don´t want to go, there are still crosses down there. Maybe, next year.

Think about that, maybe Jesus doesn't return because there are still crosses.

Sep 5, 2014

Reality TV isn´t the Reality

Reality shows make the most personal things, the most disgusting things, the most pretentious things, the most stupid things to a distorted reality where from the 1 second the bullshit doesn´t stop, never. Please give me a favor, people that work for reality shows or participate in them, please leave that shit or kill yourself.
MTV, I am looking at you. History channel, I am looking at you. Every fucking channel, stop doing reality shows, you fucks!
Please leave me a comment about what is for you the worst reality show, thanks for reading!
Is the Survivor? Some shit with Paris Hilton or honey boo boo or what the fuck is wrong with the world.

Sep 2, 2014

Satan is NOT real!

Satan worshipers around the world and others that believe in some kind of creature that is a monster that rules hell, (yes god is omnipresent, so he is in the right side of satan), if there is a god, I think it would be boring like a kid playing with ants, but god is all-knowing, omnipresent, and all that bullshit, being god in my eyes is a boring job.

Fuck lets create a universe, I already know everything about it, well, let´s create some fucking humans in a planet and lets make them worshiping me, and lets make them believing that I am right and other religions are false, screw primitive humans, I can do everything,. It is kind of boring. let´s kill myself but first let´s have fun with this ants, lord of the ants, to spice this shit, I am gonna create Satan, why not? And sometimes I can be Satan.

I think that if there is a god, or he is a sick monster, or he doesnt give a shit, or he killed himself or he just play with us by creating sin and the devil, maybe, just maybe GOD IS SATAN, how about that.

Questions to christian/jew/muslim or others

Imagine that there is a poor child in a poor country or rich, poverty is everywhere and the child has a disease, and the child will die, the family of the child can´t help the child, so the child will die. So God is omnipresent, omni consciousness, all-knowing and he is everywhere, that´s is what you say.
So with that in mind, why god just watches the child die in agony and pain.
1-Why he doesn't help the child or the family?
2-Why he doesn't just kill without pain the child?
3- God knows everything so why he allow the birth of the child in the first place?
4-So the child is hindu or other religion that isn't yours, according to books like the bible and the quran, he will burn in hell for eternity, in your holy books, there is nothing about children.

Sep 1, 2014

Solving the problem with oil and the Middle East!

First of all, I want to say to the Middle East, stop your jihads, holy wars, suicide bombing, etc. Islam means PEACE, and sunnis and xiitas and other minorities, you are brothers of the same religion.
First of all, the West and others, USA and EU and Russia and China and others, do NOT make war to them, dont´drop bombs, don´t sell them weapons, instead help them constructing a peaceful area with no control on their governments. Schools, hospitals, food, houses and others, just that but help them directly with no money or debt, just help them and don´t allow corruption, see corruption of your side, prison, in their side, report them to the goverment of there! Do NOT USE DRONES!
Now you ask, what about terrorists groups, leave them alone, help the area with education and infraestructures.
Now the drug of the West and the industrial world, OIL! First of all, in your countries, tax the shit out of the oil and the corporations that extract oil, to prison, presidents and others that help those corporations, ban ads that are pro-oil, support movements and organizations that support renewable energies and construct a country with that in mind, reduce oil consumption, reduce mindless consumption, reduce waste, build efficient and sustainable cities and industries. At first, the economy would slow a little but in time, that would be a green revolution!
Oil would not be used, Wars would not be made, and we would have PEACE.

Message to the USA and the rest of the world!

People of USA, I am asking you in the name of the people of the world to Stop helping Israel and help Palestine. Don't help with bombs and soldiers, help with food, medicine, housing, shoes, clothes. You control the mass-media, so artists and people that work in the news, stop doing propaganda that turn people to mindless consuming zombies, turn them to active, peaceful and helpful citizens and US government make an education that turn your next generation to be all that and make them formulating their own ideas!
This is also a message to everyone out there to revolt yourselves against the ruling class. Dont´t buy or use products and brands that exploit mankind and steal natural resources and destroy the world!
Don´t you understand that if the people of US does not make changes, to the rest of the world that will be harder because you use your influence to oppress  the rest of mankind!